Prometheus monitoring of BME280 sensor readings

May 14, 2022

I wanted to be able to monitor the environment in my RV, so this weekend I created the esp32_prometheus_exporter_BME280.

My plan later is to monitor it and send alerts with LoraWan so I know my cat is OK I want to leave it in the vehicle. With LoraWan I should be able to get notified without cellular coverage.

For now it’s just a regular wifi based sensor since I don’t have the lora hardware yet.

Having earlier experience of DHT11 sensors I can say they’re not worth your time. This BME280 sensor is much better, and not very expensive.


The hardware I used is no longer for sale, but I tried to find similar devices from other places. You should be able to make the same setup with this hardware.

BMP280 sensor module€1,10
ESP32 Devkit v1€ 4,53

These devices have unsoldered pins. I personally prefer this since I can make the footprint smaller when soldering the components together.

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